Payroll Service Plus
Certified Payroll
Easy, online payroll for contractors. We provide certified payroll reporting on Federal or State forms. We also offer XML files for upload into DIR and we have additional options to upload payroll data into LCP tracker, EMARS, and other online compliance solutions.
- Online processing through our strongly secure website
- Instant creation of Federal and State certified payroll reports
- Integration with online compliance requirements such as DIR, LCP Tracker, and others
- Automated pay rates and tax calculations
- Prevailing wage, union fringe, and more
Learn More About How We Can Simplify Your Certified Payroll
Our certified payroll division processes hundreds of certified payroll reports every week for clients in all types of industries. Take the hassle and cost out of your construction payroll. Avoid costly audits and held payments by letting our staff manage your rates and reporting.

Our certified payroll division processes hundreds of certified payroll reports every week for clients in all types of industries. Take the hassle and cost out of your construction payroll. Avoid costly audits and held payments by letting our staff manage your rates and reporting.
We can save you time, money and the headaches associated with your certified payroll for as little as $90.00 per week. Our experts will guide you, manage your rates and shifts to ensure you are in compliance with all requirements. We will consult and ask questions as necessary to ensure that your certified payroll is in compliance.
Construction Specific Services
Union reporting – Certified payroll reporting for all state and federal requirements – EEO payroll reports – Accountable plan contribution reports – OCIP payroll reports – Unlimited shift definitions to automate pay differentials for any hours or days of operations – Job cost reports – Various additional construction payroll reports that typical payroll service companies don’t provide
Instant and Accurate
Certified payroll is a matter of reporting the correct wages, time, and taxes by employee and job. With our solution we will be able to take your payroll/time data and produce the proper forms and reports. We maintain historic records of your certified payroll needed at different times during the payment process.
Click on the links below to see a sample of our Reports
Sample Construction Reports
Sample Construction Reports (PDF)
Complete Set of Reports
Sample Certified Report
A-1-131 Certified Report Sample
Payroll Quote
Use our Payroll Service Plus questionnaire to generate a quote with no hassles.
If you prefer, you can speak to one of our representatives @ (800) 948-3315.